The Search for Gender Equity in Executive Committees
Each year global consulting firm 20-first evaluates the success of the Top 100 companies from three key regions of the globe—the US, Europe and Asia—on what it views as a [...]
Each year global consulting firm 20-first evaluates the success of the Top 100 companies from three key regions of the globe—the US, Europe and Asia—on what it views as a [...]
Turn on the news in any given week and you’re bound to hear one report or another about the changing socio-economic face of American society. Changes range from shifts in [...]
Michelle R. Seitz CEO William Blair Investment Management Michelle R. Seitz, CEO of William Blair Investment Management, decided the financial services industry was for her the moment she visited a [...]
Billionaire hedge-fund manager Paul Tudor Jones certainly knows how to get a conversation going. During a question and answer session at symposium at the University of Virginia’s McIntire School of [...]
Linda Gibson, Executive Vice President and Head of Global Distribution at Old Mutual Asset Management The old adage, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity,” seems tailor-made [...]
Helena Morrissey Former CEO of Newton Investment Management Earlier this year a quiet victory occurred for women in the workplace. On April 17, 2012, the mining company Fresnillo announced that [...]
In this age of hyper-connectivity, constant pressure, long workdays and growing complexity, stress is unavoidable. What separates those who thrive under pressure from those who crumble is how they cope [...]
Courtesy of Harvard Business Review When I recently interviewed Maliz Beams, CEO of ING retirement, I was impressed with her intelligent and powerful advice for emerging executive women. One [...]
According to research conducted by both Catalyst and McKinsey & Company, businesses with gender diversity in their senior management have a higher return on investment than companies with few or [...]
Co-Opting the Old Boy’s Club Ilene H. Lang, president and CEO of Catalyst, made a surprising statement in the Harvard Business Review: “Catalyst has advised companies for decades on how [...]