Creating a Gender-Diverse Workforce by Ambro It is well established that companies with women in leadership positions do well overall. As women strive to achieve equality in the workplace, it has [...] by Ambro It is well established that companies with women in leadership positions do well overall. As women strive to achieve equality in the workplace, it has [...]
Recently on the blog, we talked about the Paycheck Fairness Act, legislation that would have allowed gender-based wage disparities to be challenged and employers held accountable. On April 8, 2014, [...] by franky242 As the discussion around women in the workforce evolves from a mere awareness of the issue to a solutions-oriented discussion, one aspect of the debate [...] by Ambro A new book called The Confidence Code by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman says that women are suffering from a lack of confidence and [...]
The role of chief operating officer has typically been relegated to the background while the CEO takes front and center stage. Understandable, since the CEO is typically the face and [...]
In 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act into law. The Paycheck Fairness Act (S. 84/H.R. 377), which aims to update 1963’s Equal Pay act, is building [...]
On the WE blog, we often discuss gender gaps in leadership positions and on corporate boards in the finance industry. Likewise, gender gaps also exist in science, technology, engineering, and [...]
I was recently interviewed by a talented writer for an article on women and risk management.[1] I believe there are a lot of misconceptions around the prevalent thinking that women are [...]
As business leaders, we’re expected to inspire others. But who inspires us? Here are ways to find exciting new ideas, and the possibilities that could ensue. […]
We’ve all heard the news by now. Mary T. Barra was chosen as the next CEO of General Motors. G.M.’s board chose her unanimously from a few internal candidates to [...]